you are not stupid, I am

Posted Apr 11, 3:02 AM by Anonymous

(In the scenario you’re in 7th grade and you start dating your boyfriend in March ) . Imagine dating someone you knew cheats on his girlfriend but for someone you thought wasn't true and you give them a chance . You start dating them and everything is fine until people judge you for dating them . Then one day during P.E. (Physical Education) you and your boyfriend decide to play truth or dare . Your friend dares your boyfriend to hold your hand and he does for like 5 seconds at most. Then another day you were walking to your class and you see your friend going to her class so you decide to talk to them . You talk to them then you see your boyfriend and he gives you an awkward side hug. You only have one class with your boyfriend which is science. Since you and your boyfriend have science together you had to sex education with him . (Only reason I added this is because of the next part ). Nothing bad happened though until . One day he tells your best friend that he’s breaking up with you. You asked your best friend why he didn't do it himself and he said because you're scary . As mentioned before you have one class with your boyfriend so you thought you two would talk a lot in that class but you were wrong. Instead you can count on your fingers how many times he talked to you . Next school year happens and you're in P.E. with your friends and your talking. She tells you that your ex boyfriend only dated you because some guy that’s not even friends made fun of him for not having a girlfriend. So your ex decides to pick the ugliest girl he could find / most desperate(basically anyone who dated him even with knowing his past ) . Your friends tells you he called you ugly and a bunch of other mean things. Spring’s break starts and the next week you have to go back to school at least that’s what you thought . Until you find out that because of Covid you didn’t have to go school anymore. One of your friends found your ex’s instagram account and gave it to you . You decided to a song prank on him because you're bored . The song is We are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift . You guys got back together even though you knew that stuff and he said about you . He said he changed and you fell right into his trap and got back together with him but only for a day . His mom made him breakup with you because he got in trouble. Couple weeks later you text him because you miss him and he tells you he’s dating some girl named Ginger (wish I was joking about her name ) . Ginger like the plant btw . He shows you a screenshot of a paragraph and his girlfriend sent him and says he loves her . He asks if you want to be in a group chat with her and him and you say no and you block him . Occasionally you still text him because you miss him . But you finally realise the only way to move was if you block him forever and never look at him again. It took you years later to realise he cheated on you with Ginger (how did he get a gf so fast ). He has an annoying voice and he’s not cute . Unfortunately that was me but because of this I learned a lot . I learned I deserve a lot better than someone like that . I hope you learned something from reading and if not that’s okay . I just needed to rant .


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