it is not my fault I promise

Posted Apr 25, 2:12 AM by Anonymous

So I went on a field trip with my grade on the second day a boy said he like me. This boy was one of my boy best friends and I have never seen him as more. But even before he said he liked me his friend was asking very personal questions like what do u like in a man, why don’t you like him(the boy who asked me out ima call him Lev) and he even said “ you should like him he is a really sweet dude and I know you don’t like him but like him so you guys Can date and have sex” btw im 13 I haven’t even had my first kiss with a dude so call down bud. Anyways at the field trip Lev asked me out and I said no he then said “we can date in secret nobody needs to know” and I say no again cause i don’t like him, but to make sure his feeling aren’t hurt I say maybe in the future when I’m older and more mature I’ll think about it. And I left. The rest of the field trip all my friends ignored me and talk shit behind my back like I wasn’t even there. Lev obviously had told everyone that I know including people that i don’t know. I felt so depressed and just wanted to go back home. What was supposed to be a fun field trip turned into a drama show. Afterwards around 3 days after Lev best friend won’t stop texting me saying how Lev was suicidal and it was my fault and that I should answer every time Lev texts or just date him. I told him to stop as it was getting really annoying and really stressing. Because imagine he did kill himself and everyone would blame it on me. I went to bed and tried to sleep. When I woke up around 10 am I checked my phone and I see thousand of text messages. First I check Lev’s best friends text saying “hey answer his text” “wake up” “if he dies it’s ur fault” “text him back” “did u see he cut up his leg” *sends images of Lev’s legs covered in scratches. I left him on opened and checked everyone else’s messages they where all very similar to what Lev’s best friend wrote. And finally I check Lev’s message. It was very suicidal and my hand where shacking as I read it. A summary to what he wrote would be “I like you I believe in karma so if I do anything wrong to you something bad will happen to me if u say no and tell ANYONE I have 3 options and there not very good ones so make up ur mind” (the three options where 1.switching school 2. Suicide 3. Run away) Lev’s best friend saw that I had opened his text and wouldn’t stop texting to me so I started saying that he needed to stop and that I have feelings too and I had to watch as everyone turned there back on me because I didn’t like a dude. I sent his a video around 1 minute long explains how this was so messed up and how I was feeling very suicidal and was depressed in that 1 minute video I said “it not funny anymore” which was like 4 seconds long. Guess what that was the only thing he commented on. I said good bye and shut my phone off to cry I grabbed a pair of scissors and thought about it. My mom came in as I make a small cut on my neck. I told her everything. I felt so free and yet so tired. My mom was so surprised and said she needed to tell me dad. He got upset saying he was proud of me but I shouldn’t have tried that. It very uncommon that a guy tries to kill himself over a girl just because she doesn’t like him. After a long talk I felt better. And finally messaged Lev. The right thing I still didn’t like him but he shouldn’t do it because he was a great dude. I turned of my phone afterwards. And slept. Peacefully

Warning: This message contains language that some may find harmful.


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